19 Nov Local Sales Tax Rate is Lowest in County
The City of La Mirada’s sales tax rate is the lowest in Los Angeles County, a distinction it shares with about half of the county’s 88 cities. Sales tax rates are actually the sum of several taxes, including those for transit and transportation and, recently, homelessness prevention.
Most of the sales tax collected by local businesses goes to the State and County. Of the 9.5 cents generated by every dollar of taxable sales in La Mirada, only 1 cent is returned directly to the City of La Mirada.
The sales tax rate adjusts when voters approve sales tax measures or previously approved measures expire. Voters in several cities have recently increased their sales tax rates to as high as 10.5%.
These actions, combined with La Mirada’s Measure I sales tax expiration in April 2018, have resulted in La Mirada’s current lowest sales tax rate in Los Angeles County.
Reprinted with permission from City of La Mirada