25 Sep La Mirada District 2 City Council Candidate Forum
As a quick reminder, you are invited to attend the La Mirada Chamber of Commerce District 2 City Council Candidate Forum. This will be an opportunity for the candidates to engage with the La Mirada community, representatives, residents and stakeholders who have a vested interest in the city and the district.
The Forum will be held at the La Mirada Activity Center at 13810 La Mirada Blvd on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Each candidate will have campaign materials available. Please feel free to invite friends and family.
Our Master of Ceremonies will be President Emeritus Richard Trujillo and former Mayor Hal Malkin will be the moderator.
The Forum will begin approximately 6:15pm. Each candidate will have two minutes to introduce themselves and address the audience. The order for candidates will be based on the order in which their names will appear on the ballot.
Candidates for La Mirada District 2 are:
- Chris Pflanzer
- Michelle Velasquez Bean
- Dan Siwak
- John Sarega
Questions will be accepted both from the audience and from a set of pre-determined queries.
We are fortunate to have ACE Business Academy students and their Director Derek Wood to act as volunteers for the evening.
The Chamber will provide a printed guide with information on each candidate.
The Chamber Board would like to personally thank you for your interest and commitment to the city of La Mirada.