10 Jul City’s Adopted Budget Addresses Key Priorities
The La Mirada City Council approved the City’s budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. The budget for the new fiscal year, which began July 1, maintains adequate funding to continue providing quality programs and services, law enforcement, and continued improvements to La Mirada’s infrastructure.
General Fund operating revenues, excluding transfers, are projected at $39,236,268 for the year. General Fund operating expenditures are budgeted at $35,609,197 excluding transfers.
“The City has a long-standing commitment of responsible financial stewardship,” says City Manager Jeff Boynton. “We are committed to continuing this practice and exploring cost-effective ways of providing quality services and preserving a high quality of life in La Mirada.”
The adopted budget focuses on maintaining public safety as the highest priority. The City allocated $9,130,747 for Public Safety, which includes contract services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Community Sheriff’s Station, probation, emergency preparedness programs, code enforcement, Neighborhood Watch, and other public safety volunteer programs.
A total of $24,830,000 is allocated for capital improvements, which include a number of projects that were in the early design and construction phases in the prior year. Major projects proposed in Fiscal Year 2018-19 include Measure I Residential Street Improvements Phase 5, street rehabilitation on Valley View Avenue and Leffingwell Road, Landscape Median Improvements on La Mirada Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and Valley View Avenue, new playgrounds at Gardenhill and Windermere Parks, signal and lighting projects, and a new Buccaneer Bay attraction. Funding for the proposed projects includes $5.36 million from Measure I, $7.66 million from the General Fund, $500,000 in Prop C funds, $3.25 million from Gas Tax funds, $1.64 million in Measure R funds, $2.20 million in Agency bond proceeds, and $4.22 million from other sources. The City is exploring alternative revenue sources to complete the final phases of neighborhood street rehabilitation projects following the sunsetting of Measure I on March 31, 2018.
The Public Works Department will receive $7,351,667 to maintain the City’s streets, parks, recreational areas, parkways, medians, public buildings, and storm drain facilities.
The Community Services Department will receive $6,196,485 to continue to provide high-quality recreational programming, community events, and senior services. This includes activities at Splash! and Community Gymnasium, youth sports, and classes offered at the Resource Center and Activity Center. The funding to support other programs offered through the Community Services Department include counseling, youth employment, and homebound meal delivery.
The La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts will receive $7,043,388 for productions, presentations, and other activities. Approximately 76 percent of the Theatre’s costs are recovered through ticket sales. The Theatre’s 2018-19 season includes more musicals, which tend to generate more ticket sales than traditional plays. The theatre will also receive new seats later this summer.
The Community Development Department will receive $1,398,425 for planning and building services, and housing programs. It is anticipated the building permit activity will continue to grow as the economy has remained strong.
Some $3,746,667 is budgeted for City Administration, finances, economic development, personnel, risk management, information technology, and communications.
The City of La Mirada remains committed to prudent fiscal management practices and a conservative approach to revenue forecasting. The City continues to maintain a healthy level of reserves and delivers quality services through a dedicated workforce. Contracted services continue to help the City meet the needs of the community while remaining financially stable.
To read the full budget report, click here.
For additional information, contact City Hall at (562) 943-0131.
Source: City of La Mirada