City Resources

Committed to partnering with local businesses and developers to grow the local economy

The City of La Mirada works with local businesses and developers to grow the local economy. The City understands the importance of continuing such partnerships to sustain an economy characterized by ample and diversified goods and services, growing employment opportunities, and a strong tax base.

In 2013, the City of La Mirada was awarded Most Business Friendly City in Los Angeles County with less than 50,000 residents by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation. The city was also a “Most Business Friendly City” finalist in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

For decades, La Mirada has worked closely with businesses to meet their needs and promote economic vitality. The General Plan’s Economic Development Element includes goals and policies designed to attract and retain key businesses. The City’s businesses benefit from tax savings, low business license and development fees, minimal amount of red tape, quality customer service and communication with City staff, business appreciation and support, and a high quality of life. Learn more

LAEDC Eddy Award La Mirada California business friendly

The following are key resources within the city government of La Mirada that can help you to successfully start or operate a business in the La Mirada community.


The Community Development Department is responsible for overseeing the City’s physical development and redevelopment. The Department provides the functions of Planning and Building, Economic Development and Housing, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program management and rehabilitation, and Code Enforcement. Call (562) 943-0131.


The Economic Development Department team is committed to working with local businesses and developers to grow La Mirada’s economy. The duties of the Economic Development team include business outreach, attraction and retention, assistance, communication, information and resources, and incentives. Call (562) 943-0131.


Business License Desk hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Alternate Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Online application process available. Call (562) 943-0131.


Businesses may be required to obtain and pay fees for a business permit. Examples include business, banner, filming, and temporary use. Before operating or conducting business in the City, call (562) 943-0131.


Business License (562) 943-0131
Building Department (562) 902-2345
Building Inspector (562) 902-2387
City Hall (562) 943-0131
Community Development (562) 943-0131
Community Services (562) 943-7277
Code Enforcement (562) 943-0131
Dial-a-Ride (562) 943-6776
Economic Development (562) 943-0131
False Alarms (562) 902-2960
Fire Department (562) 697-4320
Graffiti Removal Hotline (562) 943-1557
Police 911
Public Works (562) 902-2385
Sheriff’s Station (562) 902-2960
Sign & Banner Permits (562) 943-0131
La Mirada Theatre (562) 944-9801

AT&T (800) 288-2020
DirecTV (855) 463-7359
EDCO Disposal (562) 597-0608
Frontier Communications (800) 921-8101
Golden State Water Company (562) 864-8214
Southern California Edison (800) 611-1911 or (800) 655-4555
Southern California Gas Company (800) 427-2200
Suburban Water (562) 944-8219
Time Warner Cable (888) 892-2253
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